Healthy Week in Schools

Updated :
February 2020

Healthy weeks in schools are a great way to get your pupils thinking about healthier food choices and becoming more active, both at school and at home. We have worked with many schools to provide dance workshops as part of their healthy week.

Healthy Weeks in Schools Ideas & Activities.

We'll focus on how we can help get your pupils active, boost physical activity and exercise without them even noticing. How do we do it? By having lots of fun and learning at the same time.

We tailor the delivery of our workshops to the key stages being taught, so everyone can take part and get the most from them.

Style Ideas:

We offer you the option of building your very own Dance Day. You can focus on one particular style, that could be including links to topics you are learning about such as Africa, Brazil or even, History, or off-topic styles such as Street, Strictly or Dance Fit.

You can view our full list of dance workshops on our dance workshop page


We have had lots of feedback from teachers and parents who have told us that their children have continued to dance, long after the workshop finished.  We believe this is down to them, absorbing their newfound skill because they were having fun!

Dance Days Review
Keep on dancing!

If you would like more information on how we can help with your Healthy Schools Week, you can visit our contact us page.

Thanks for reading, until next time.

Dance Days

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